Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First blog since xanga.

so i'm not great at this bloging thing yet. as the title state's, this is my first time blogging since xanga. yikes. if any of you had a xanga...need i say more?

well, already today i stood up to a friend who was using me to disobey her parents. GOD really convicted me about that one. i've grown up thinking that little things didn't really matter to HIM, that as long as we kept the big rules, we were doing ok. in church a few sundays ago, my pastor (and soon-to-be-father-in-law) was speaking about how GOD cares about everything that we care about. even if it's tiny and seems really silly to other people, if it's important to us, then it's important to HIM. so it really got me thinking about...if HE cares about everything small and otherwise that we care about...shouldn't we return the favor? i know most people, if you asked them directly, wouldn't truly say "i can do wrong things as long as they're small things and it's ok" but that's really how people live. a tiny white lie, a text when you're parent's said no texting, pushing your curfew to it's limit by coming home only ten or fifteen minutes late. i've done all of this and felt like it wasn't a big deal. i mean, my parent's weren't really even upset, they only said "don't do it again" and that was it. no scolding, no grounding, nothing like that. so what's the big deal?

well...i'm realizing more and more as i grow closer to CHRIST that the big deal is that that tiny little lie killed HIM. it was part of the pain HE felt while suffering on the cross so that we could be with HIM. what lousy people we are.

so...every day i'm finding myself noticing just how much i sin, even if it's little. man, i suck at this 'being like CHRIST' thing. what if i never get better? that's a thought that really scares me sometimes.

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